September 8, 2023IRISH CHOIR
September 8, 2023
Eimear Crehan is a musician, performer, creativity coach, choir director, music facilitator, and community educator based in Kildare, Ireland. Eimear has a degree in music, a master’s in community work, and postgraduate qualifications in music therapy, life coaching, and advanced facilitation. Eimear is the co-founder and manager of SpeakUp SingOut Music School and loves nothing more than music, personal development, and people. Combining these three things has become her life’s purpose. Eimear loves working with all people, from complete beginners to touring successful musicians. She believes that personal development and musicianship go hand in hand and that it is vitally important to develop your relationship with your creativity throughout your music career. As an active touring musician, Eimear is a regular feature on the Irish music scene. She is currently recording her third album, with singles due for release over the next few months. Eimear had a recent no.1 hit in Ireland in 2023 with her powerful anthem ‘I am Woman’. Eimear specializes in the areas of creativity coaching, self-expression, stage fright, songwriting, confidence building, personal development, and connecting with the true authentic self. She can’t wait to join you at EVC this year and looks forward to developing deep authentic connections.